Network installation Dallas

Computer Network Installation

What makes a network?

To make a network, you need nodes and connections (sometimes called links) between them. Linking up the nodes means making some sort of a temporary or permanent connection between them. In the last decade or so, wireless connections have become one of the most popular ways of doing this, especially in homes. In offices, wired connections are still more commonplace—not least because they are generally faster and more secure and because many newer offices have network cabling already in place.

Apart from computers, peripherals, and the connections between them, what else do you need? Each node on a network needs a special circuit known as a network card (or, more formally, a network interface card or NIC) to tell it how to interact with the network. Most new computers have network cards built in as standard. If you have an older computer or laptop, you may have to fit a separate plug-in circuit board (or, in a laptop, add a PCMCIA card) to make your machine talk to a network. Each network card has its own separate numeric identifier, known as a MAC (media access control) code or LAN MAC address. A MAC code is a bit like a phone number: any machine on the network can communicate with another one by sending a message quoting its MAC code. In a similar way, MAC codes can be used to control which machines on a network can access files and other shared resources. For example, I’ve set up my wireless link to the Internet so that only two MAC codes can ever gain access to it (restricting access to the network cards built into my two computers)

That helps to stop other people in nearby buildings (or in the street) hacking into my connection or using it by mistake.

The bigger you make a network, the more extra parts you need to add to make it function efficiently. Signals can travel only so far down cables or over wireless links so, if you want to make a big network, you have to add in devices called repeaters—effectively signal boosters. You might also need bridgesswitches, and routers—devices that help to link together networks (or the parts of networks, which are known as segments), regulate the traffic between them, and forward traffic from one part of a network to another part



For More Information

The definition of network installation is the selection and placement of hardware and equipment that forms a network, or interconnected set of devices.

The process of Network installation includes identifying:

  • What the needs of the business are
  • Which type of network it will be
  • What topology or digital layout it will follow
  • What and how much specific hardware it will need
  • Where to place hardware to create the greatest efficiencies

Network installation evaluates the scope, cost, and eventual deployment of the network in order to create a physical framework that provides a stable connection, can be easily maintained and/or upgraded, and meets the needs of the business or institution that will be using it.

What is a network?

The first part of network installation definition is the network.

A network is two or more computers (or other computerized devices and equipment, such as printers) that are linked in order to share files, resources, and other information quickly, securely, and easily.

What is the difference between LAN and WAN networks?

These are two different types of networks. LAN stands for Local Area Network, and WAN stands for Wide Area Network.

Almost every instance of network installation is based on establishing a LAN network, often within the confines of a single building. Computers, servers, and other equipment are connected to the LAN through cable connections, or through wireless access points.

WAN, by contrast, connects large networks that span large geographic areas, such as a state, country, or even linking two continents together. WAN networks use powerful satellite uplinks and even submerged transoceanic cables to forge connections and link nodes on the network.

What actually links network devices together?

There’s more than one way to connect two computers together: 

  • Cables (i.e. Ethernet)
  • Telephone lines 
  • Radio waves (i.e. Wi-Fi)
  • Satellites
  • Infrared light beams

The two most common by far are radio waves/Wi-Fi and Ethernet cables.

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